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Einsteine's Relativaty

I used the <sup> tag to make the 2 an exponent.

E = MC2

Currency Conversion

I used the pound,euro and yen tags to make the relevant currency symbols appear.

$1.00CDN = $0.82USD = £0.58 = €0.68 = ¥89.97

Code Snippet

I used the lt, gt and nbsp tags to make the code snippet display properly.

#include <iostream.h>

int main()
    out << "hello world!" << end;
    return 0;

Chemistry Conversion

I used the <sub> tag to format the 2s correctly.

2H2 +O2 => H2O + Heat

Ordered List

I used the <ol> and <li> tags to frormat the ordered list.

  1. Place key in ignition
  2. Depressed the brake pedal
  3. Turn the ignition key

Unordered List

I used the <ul> and <li> tags to frormat the unordered list.

  • Re-new passport
  • Convert currency
  • Print out reservations & itineraries
  • Verify vaccinations are up-to-date

copyright Bobbybob